OVER SPEEDING , The meaning of OVERSPEED is speed greater than normal or rated speed. How to use overspeed in a sentence.

Which European country has the strictest driving penalties?

Delving into the most common driving penalties, we checked which countries across Europe are charging the most for driving offences including speeding, drink-driving, and using a mobile phone to reveal the strictest countries in Europe for driving fines.

Top 10 strictest countries in Europe for driving fines
Norway is the strictest country for driving fines, with an overall score of 6.43 out of 10. Fines for speeding on the motorway are as much as €711, drink driving will set you back €5,783, while fines for running a red light are a minimum of €756.

The 10 least strict European countries for driving fines

Albania is the least strict country in Europe for driving fines, with a score of 1.82 out of 10. Fines are as low as €8 for using your phone whilst driving, €10 for running a red light, €20 as a minimum for speeding on the motorway, and the highest fine costs €175 for drink driving.

The most and least expensive driving fines

Motorway speeding

Norway is the most expensive country in Europe for speeding fines, starting at a minimum of €711 when driving over the 110 KM/H speed limit. The Czech Republic is the least expensive country for motorway speeding fines, starting at a minimum of €19 for exceeding the 130km/h speed limit.

Speed cameras

Italy has the highest number of speed cameras across the country with a huge 8,073 speed cameras. Slovakia has the lowest number of speed cameras in Europe, with only 13 across the entire country!

Drink driving minimum

Norway has the highest fines for the drink driving limit, starting at €5,783 for being over the 0.02% blood alcohol limit, in comparison to the Czech Republic with fines starting from